Making A Self-Care Kit Under $20

How to Make a Self-Care Kit under $20

What is Self-Care?

Self-care includes all of the things you do to take care of your well-being: emotionally, physically, psychologically, and spiritually. Practicing self-care has been clinically proven to reduce or eliminate anxiety, depression, reduce stress, improve concentration, minimize frustration and anger, increase happiness, improve energy, and increase our ability to regulate our emotions.

Practicing self-care doesn’t always mean taking a day off from work and relaxing all day in a bubble bath. It can be something as small as enjoying your favorite cup of tea or doing a small puzzle.

Why Have a Self-Care Kit?

A self-care kit is a collection of items that make you feel good. They support your emotional and mental health by nourishing you, uplifting you, and sometimes help on not-so-good days. A self-care kit will be unique to each individual, but it’s important to include things and activities that make you feel good. Some great items to include are things that help you unwind, relax, make you smile, are comforting, and help you clear your mind.


Having a box of things on hand can be helpful on rough days because your comfort items will be right there, easily accessible.


Places to Buy Inexpensive Items:

A self-care kit doesn’t have to be expensive. My box was created with items found at Dollar Tree, but Target’s Dollar Section and Michaels (don’t forget to check their coupons for some great saves!) have some amazing finds.


Items In My Kit – All Items Found at Dollar Tree:

·      Squishy toy – having something to squeeze when feeling anxious or frustrated can help ground.

·      Scented candle – A nice-smelling candle can help ground you. The flame of the candle can also be used for meditation. Focus on the warmth of the candle and picture the light of the flame spreading out around you to create a warm, safe bubble.

·      Fuzzy sock – comforting textures and warm fuzzy socks

·      Soft stuffed animal or toy – sometimes all you need is a little comfort and having a cute stuffed animal to hug or hold can be calming. This can also be great for sensory regulation and give you a tactile experience when you feel overwhelmed.

·      Playdough – small objects you play with in your hand can be grounding. Engaging your sense of touch can be helpful in bringing you back to the present moment. Playdough can also help work out physical tension. Notice the way it feels in your hand.

·      Etch-A-Sketch – drawing down frustrations and then wiping them away can be cathartic.

·      Goldfish Snack & Ramen – sometimes all you want is your favorite snack or the taste of your favorite drink for a little comfort nourishment.

·      Bubbles/Party Blowers – blowing bubbles can also serve as a breathing exercise in disguise.

·      Word Search/Puzzle – including an activity can be helpful in distracting the mind a bit and giving it something else to focus on.

·      Sour Candy – sour tastes can help “shock the senses” and distract from panic. Having sour candy in your kit can help distract from a panic attack coming on and decrease anxiety.

·      Water bottle – drinking water is essential to self-care and an important step in overall health. Staying in a good hydrated status can help keep your stress levels down.  

Other Suggestions for A Self-Care Kit:

·      Earbuds – listening to calming music or an audiobook can help mentally escape for a bit. Earbuds can also be used to help tune out overstimulating sounds.

·      Art Supplies – if you like to draw or paint, you might want to keep some art supplies in your kit

·      Paper or a notebook – sometimes it helps to write out what Is bothering you on a piece of paper then tear it up and throw it away.

·      Photographs, affirmations, quotes, small trinkets that make you happy

·      Reminders – you can also insert little reminders for yourself like: go for a run, meditate, call a friend, take a long back.

·      Favorite book – when you need a short mental break, there’s nothing like getting lost in your favorite book. They can help keep your mind busy and provide a great sense of distraction.

·      Tea – having a warm delicious beverage can be a wonderful way to self-soothe.

·      Coloring book – coloring is great for grounding because you have to focus on the work in front of you. Coloring is also soothing and just plain fun.

·      Tissues – crying is a healthy way to express emotions and having tissues on hand are a great way to take care of yourself in those moments.

·      Eye mask – giving yourself a little sensory relief can be helpful.

·      Lotion – gives you a double sensory experience of the touch sensation of rubbing it on your skin plus a scented experience.


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